Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-07-325

Approches Microscopiques de la Dynamique Nucleaire. Applications aux reactions autour de la barriere
C. Simenel, B. Avez, D. Lacroix
This lecture introduces several microscopic approaches to nuclear dynamics. Our goal
is to provide a good description of low energy heavy ions collisions. We study both the formalism
and the practical application of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) theory.
The TDHF approach gives a mean eld dynamics of the system under the assumption of
independent particles. As an example, we study the fusion of both spherical and deformed
nuclei with TDHF. We also show that nucleon transfer may occur between nuclei below
the barrier. These studies allow us to specify the eld of applications of TDHF in one
hand, and, in the other hand, its intrinsic limitations, as for instance the fact that there is
no fusion by tunnel eect with TDHF. It is then important to get rid of the independent
particle assumption. We nally present some approaches to go beyond TDHF, including
for instance pairing and/or collision term between nucleons, though only few realistic
applications have been performed so far.


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