Résumé du preprint Irfu-10-43

New gas-filled mode of the large-acceptance spectrometer VAMOS
C. Schmitt, M. Rejmund, A. Navin, B. Lecornu, B. Jacquot, G. de France, A. Lemasson, A. Shrivastava, P. Greenlees, J. Uusitalo, K. Subotic, L. Gaudefroy, Ch. Theisen, B. Sulignano, O. Dorvaux and L. Stuttgé
A new gas-filled operation mode of the large-acceptance spectrometer VAMOS at GANIL is reported. A beam rejection factor greater than 10^10 is obtained for the 40Ca+150Sm system at 196 MeV. The unprecedented transmission efficiency for the evaporation residues produced in this reaction is estimated to be around 80% for (alpha)xn channels and above 95% for xnyp channels. A detailed study of the performance of the gas-filled VAMOS and future developments are discussed. This new operation mode opens avenues to explore the potential of fusion reactions in various kinematics.